A Fully Grown Mammal (kind of)

IT’S HERE! IT’S HERE! IT’S HERE! I could not have been happy on Tuesday when I got home and this beautiful creation was in my mailbox. I have been looking forward to this book for months and knowing I was getting a signed copy for being a part of her online book club made it so much better! I mean, look at this beautiful cover!

I would cuddle the hell out out of that demon creature. SO SQUISHY!

I know I have talked about Jenny aka the bloggess and all of her greatness before, but this is the first book of hers that I own and I am so excited! I also have a copy of it in audiobook to listen to because I wanted to hear her talk to me like we are real friends in real life and she is just opening up about everything because she loves me most of all. I love when audiobooks are read by the authors. It makes them and their works so much more relatable in my opinion.

This post if mostly to let everyone know I am over the moon exctied about now owning this wonderful person’s book. I will be writing a post on it once I am done listening/reading it though so don’t worry!

What are your favorite audiobooks? I love listening to books while driving so please leave me some suggestions!