My Crochet Hook Helped my Classmate to Pee!

Dark Blue today!

So, today for Day 2 of me wearing a different mask and telling everyone what I am thankful for I’m choosing crochet! My crochet hooks that I always carry with me actually came in handy today in class! I have another classmate name Madeline (I know, right?!? SO COOL!) and when she went to go to the bathroom she noticed that the knot she had tied in her scrub bottoms wouldn’t come undone because it had gotten too tight!

Da Da Da Dum! Madeline to the rescue! I grabbed my bag of hooks, found a small one and in no time at all had the other Madeline untied and able to go to the bathroom!

The next time Logan tells me I don’t need to bring my crochet everywhere, I will tell this story!

What are you thankful for today? Do you have a cute mask on! Leave me a photo comment and show me!